Support Policy

All purchases get free support for a duration of 3 months. The free support period starts from the date of purchase or deployment.

The support period varies based on the license or package you purchased.

When you report a defect, if I am not able to reproduce it, then you should grant me access to your environment to analyze the situation.

Support includes the following

  • Installation: A manual to help you install and configure the Product will be provided along with the purchase.
  • Installation: If you require, I will guide you to install the Product and configure it.
  • Updates: You can get updates of the Product released during the support period for free.
  • Defects: Any defects reported during the support period will be fixed and patch delivered exclusively. Please refer to the definition for the term ‘Defect’ at the end of this page.
  • Enhancements: If you require a function or feature, that is not available in the Product, I can code it for you as a service for a fee.

Support does not include the following

  • Installation, preparation, setup, or configuration of your environment. To run the software, it will require a basic setup like Apache server, PHP, database, etc. You should have all these required software ready to use.
  • Data entry or import to the Product.
  • Configuring third-party applications.
  • Performance optimization for response time or throughput or any other parameters.

Defect – Definition Terms

The term defect may seem obvious but it varies largely based on the context. Coming up with a general term for the defect is tedious. To define a framework and understanding between us, I define defect as “a condition which does not meet a requirement as stated in the Product description page”. It is an error that causes the Product to malfunction and produce incorrect results.

Patches for a defect fix or a new release of the complete Product will be delivered to you.

Minimum Requirements

  • Apache Server with PHP and MySQL / MariaDB database.
  • Specific versions like “PHP 7.2 or above” will be specified on the product page.
  • Latest versions of Google Chrome or Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge or Firefox browser.

How to ask for support

Send an email to with the appropriate Subject and detailed message.

Before you initiate the support request, ensure that you have the followings

  • The above minimum requirements met.
  • Read through the manual file provided along with the product bundle.

Details I need to support you

  • Screenshot of the error message.
  • If you are using SMTP then, SMTP host, port, username, password, TLS, or SSL. If you are not able to understand this list, please talk to your email/hosting service provider to get these.
  • Send your Config.php, DataSource.php, or any configuration files applicable to the product you have purchased.
  • Link to your installation.
  • FTP access to your installation. Need FTP host, username, password. Please do not send your hosting control panel access details. Send only the FTP account details.
  • If the product uses a database, PHPMyAdmin URL to access your database, username, and password.
  • PHP version of your server.
The page explains the ‘Support Policy’ and last updated on 18th December 2020.