Refund Policy

Before going for a refund request, you should email and describe the issue you have in detail. I should be given an opportunity to resolve the issue.

I accept and process refund only when there is a Defect that I am not able to fix. Please refer to the definition for Defect at the end of this page.

You can claim a refund only within ninety days of the purchase.

You cannot claim a refund for the following reasons (and not limited to)

  • After buying, you do not ‘like’ the Product. You do not have a particular reason, but you do not like it.
  • You ‘expected’ a functionality or feature to be available in the Product and you feel it is obvious. But you feel that it is missing.
  • Your environment is not compatible as per the requirements and because of that, there is a Defect that does not allow the Product to be used.
  • You have mistakenly bought the wrong Product or License.
  • You are finding it difficult to understand or how to use or customize the Product.
  • You have violated the license terms under which you have made the purchase.
  • You have made customizations to the code and as an effect of it, the Product is not behaving as expected.
  • Due to non-functional-reasons, like response time or throughput or any other similar parameters.

What you should be doing

  • You must claim for refund within ninety days of the purchase.
  • You should send an email with as much detail as possible so that I can attempt to fix the Defect.
  • Provide screenshots or video of the Defect.
  • Provide access to your environment, so that I can reproduce the Defect to analyze it.

How the refund will be processed

  • Your refund request will be acknowledged within 7 business days, regardless of the response.
  • Acceptance for the refund will be approved and notified to you.
  • Once the refund claim is accepted, it may take a maximum of 7 business days to initiate the refund payment.
  • The refund will be paid back through the same payment mode using which you made that particular purchase.
  • The payment gateway provider (for example PayPal or CCAvenue) deducts a service charge for every payment. That service charge will not be refunded, as we will not be getting that back from the payment gateway provider.

Defect – Definition Term

The term defect may seem obvious but it varies largely based on the context. Coming up with a general term for the defect is tedious. To define a framework and understanding between us, we define a defect as “a condition which does not meet a requirement as stated in the Product description page”. It is an error that causes the Product to malfunction and produce incorrect results.

Patches for a defect fix or a new release of the complete Product will be delivered to you.


Before you make any purchase towards any product or service please go through the Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Support Policy.

The page explains the ‘Refund Policy’ and last updated on 18th December 2020.